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MIDAS Registartion

Welcome to our registration page! We are excited to have you on Our Team. You can use the Below Link to Make Payments. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us We look forward to you in class!

Click Here to Pay Via
Net Banking, Credit Cards, Debit Cards & UPI


If you need Help, Connect to the Concern Person

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Sanjana C

Sales Head

+91 7259965455

Happy Woman


Tech Lead

+91 7259775455


Sumeet Koli

Technical Head


Terms and Conditions

  • -A Payment of 50% must be Paid prior to the course start date and Balance 50% at the end of the 16 hours of Training's

  • -Member will be Included in Student Group only after 100% Payment is received.

  • - Fees Once paid will not be refunded Under any condition.

  • -We regret that registrations cannot be transferred to another Person

  • -Live Webinars & course Material are for individual use only and should not be shared.

  • - We do not provide course recording and nor is any member allowed to record the session. 

  • -The PPT used during Training is not shared but important images and notes are given

  • -Please note, due to circumstances beyond Stock Tech's control, speakers, venue, content and timings may vary.

  • -Stock Tech reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule the Training if necessary. 

  • - In the case of cancellation by Stock tech a full refund of course fees will be made.

  • - If any member is Involved or running any type of Stock Market Services it should be Informed Prior. Not informing the same would lead to removal from student group.

  • - On occasions, Stock Tech takes photographs and videos and collects student Reviews, Rating and testimonials which may be used to help promote our conferences and courses (both online and in print) without any Prior Intimation to Client. If you have any Issues with this Please Inform the team in Advance.

  • -If you have any questions about the terms and conditions or wish to cancel your place for any of the training above you must put your request in writing to our team. 

  • -Stock tech has complete right to Change, Modify or withdraw any of the above term at any Given point of time without any Prior Notice.


Investments in Security Markets are Subjected to Market Risk. Various Factors Affect the Prices of Securities Such as Political Events, Price and Volume, Interest Rates, Change in Policies by the Government etc. Hence No training or strategy can assure you any Returns. Price Of security keeps fluctuating which may lead to Profits or loss to the Investor/Traders. Our training is based on a probability where we take trades with Good risk to reward ratios and try to minimize the losses and maximize the profits But this is something which cannot be assured or Guaranteed because of various factors like Market Crash, Gap up and Gap down Opening of Stock Prices, Stocks Reaching Circuits where Buying and selling cannot be executed. So Neither Stock tech, Its Founders, Directors, Admins, Moderators, Employees or Trainers will be Responsible for any Profit or Loss that May Occur Even after This Training.


In the Course stock tech provides you with all the knowledge you require to trade Independently and equips with a strategies that you can follow but Please note past Performance of securities, Strategies, Levels, or Training does not necessarily indicate future prospect and performance thereof. The Recipients of this Training are not being Guaranteed any returns from the content of the training and the strategies that we teach and we are also not Responsible for any losses you Make. The Strategies, Concepts, Products Discussed during the Training is Subjected to R&D and may vary in certain parameters with time so we do not assure any updates to the students that may occur after hand holding period which includes Development in the existing strategy or addition of new strategies, concepts, or modification the fees you pay is only for current Course content.


Training may not be suitable for all types of investors based on the risk appetite and investment objective of the investor. Performance of every student varies depending on the capability to understand the concepts, risk appetite,past experience. time, effort, and practice so we do not assure that every student may perform the same.


Stock Tech Shall not be responsible for any Unauthorized Circulation, reproduction or Distribution of this material or course contents thereof to any unintended recipient.


*Please Proceed Forward with registrations only if you Agree with above T&C.



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Stock Tech,  #3rd Floor Above United Medicals Ramdev Galli Belgaum Karnataka 590001

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